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Neo as Jewish Messiah in The Matrix Trilogy


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One thing that you’re likely to come across in investigating the Jewish Question is a tendency among Jewish Hollywood filmmakers to insert Jewish archetypes and themes into their work. The Wachowski broth- – uh, siblings – are no exception, and their Matrix trilogy is chock full of obvious biblical references. Theories surrounding Neo as the Antichrist have been around for years, but few people have framed it in a specifically Jewish light. If we take the films as an allegory for Jewish messianic prophecy, we begin to understand the real meaning behind its plot. What follows is my interpretation of this religious subtext.

Before we begin, it’s important to understand how Jews view non-Jews. According to the delusional ramblings of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, all non-Jews were created to be Jewish slaves:

Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. In Israel, death has no dominion over them. With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.

If the dear rabbi had been some random nonagenarian drunkenly ranting in a cardboard box in an alley somewhere, that would be one thing. Instead, his funeral in Jerusalem was attended by between a quarter of a million and 850,000 Jews (if we take the latter estimate, that’s more than ten percent of Israeli Jews). This attitude reveals the Jewish supremacist subtext of The Matrix films, in which the robots represent gentiles and their human slaves represent Jews. Robots were created to serve mankind, but in the world of The Matrix, the roles have been reversed. This reflects the Jewish dismay at their station in the world, where their rightful place as our masters goes unrecognized. The humans that have been freed from the robots congregate in Zion, which is an obvious allusion to Israel, and Neo represents their messiah.

In The Matrix, Agent Smith works for a United States government intelligence agency. Smith belonged to an elite group of agents called “sentinels,” a direct reference to Ancient Rome, under which Jews and Christians were an oppressed minority. Many Jews, including Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, view the United States as the “new Rome.” Thus, when Agent Smith kills Neo in the first film and he magically comes back to life, the scene could be interpreted as one of Roman soldiers crucifying Christ. Neo’s miracles inside the Matrix, Cipher’s betrayal (evoking Judas), and Trinity’s name led many to believe The Matrix was a Christian parable.

After this religious subtext was pounced upon by Christians, the Wachowskis realized they had made a serious error: They had done their enemies an unintentional favor! In the the eyes of the Jews, Jesus is a hated false prophet and Christians have done nothing but oppress them. Neo and the humans were supposed to represent Jews suffering under gentile rule, with Neo representing the coming of their messiah. They must have felt obligated to dispel the association with Jesus, because they then set about writing sequels that would clarify things. This explains why the Matrix sequels feel so incongruous with the first film, and why they are almost universally reviled.

Agent Smith resurrected as Jesus Christ

By reintroducing Smith in the sequel, the Wachowskis effectively retcon our understanding of who he and Neo represent in the religious subtext. Now, instead of the first film ending with Smith killing Neo, who then came back to life (Romans killing Jesus, who was then resurrected), we have Neo killing Smith, who then came back to life (Jews killing Jesus, who was then resurrected). This mirrors the Christian belief that Jews were ultimately responsible for Christ’s crucifixion when they rejected him. His resurrection is explained when Smith says, “I knew the rules, I knew what I was supposed to do, but I didn’t.”

When Smith makes his grand entrance in the second film, Neo seems unimpressed and facetiously congratulates him, much like the Jewish peoples’ reaction to Jesus. Undeterred, Smith insists that he and Neo share an intimate relationship, explaining that when Neo killed him in the climax of the first film, Neo had “imprinted, copied, or overwritten” something onto his program. Here, Smith is essentially describing himself as a facsimile (false prophet) of Neo (the real messiah). He also wants to take back the “purpose” that Neo stole from him. Their relationship mirrors that of the Christians who “stole” their religion and purpose from the Jews. Since Neo’s very existence proves that Smith is nothing but a fraud, Smith wants to assimilate him in the same way Christians want Jews to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Smith then begins to convert all the programs around him like a virus, in the way Christianity converted the gentile population. When Smith tries to forcibly assimilate Neo, he heroically battles and rejects him, just like the Jews rejecting Christ over the last two millennia. Neo’s a real Jewish superhero! But Smith has inherited some of Neo’s powers, and can even convert human brains to do his bidding in Zion, just as Christ’s first disciples were Jews. In the grand finale, when Smith has Neo on the ropes, he can’t understand why Neo persists instead of giving in. Watching this scene is like watching an army of Christians questioning the last Jew on Earth as to why he continues to reject Christ as the messiah. Neo simply replies, “Because I choose to.” He meant to say, “I reject you as a false prophet,” – but that’d be a little too on the nose.

The matrix within a matrix

The Architect and Oracle represent the Jewish concept of God as neither male or female, possessing aspects of both. The Architect personifies the angry, masculine side of God that punishes the Jewish people when they step out of line, while the Oracle personifies the compassoniate, feminine side of God that wants to coddle them. That’s why the Oracle chooses to remain inside the robot matrix where Jews are enslaved, while the Architect remains watchful but inaccessible outside of extraordinary circumstances. The Architect reveals that the original matrix (likely conceived by the Oracle) was too perfect and that the people inside instinctively rejected it, an obvious parable for the Garden of Eden. Thus, when Adam and Eve were thrown out into the harsh and cruel world, they were entering a revised version of the Matrix where suffering gave life meaning.

When humanity then built up civilizations on Earth, they were effectively building a matrix within the Matrix to suit their needs. Thus we have two matrices: one created and controlled by soulless robots that enslave humanity (a gentile civilization in which the diaspora Jews are slaves); and a larger, all-encompassing matrix created by the Architect-Oracle (Yahweh’s ant farm). When Neo first wakes up from the robots’ Matrix, he is told the year isn’t 1999, but is probably more like 2199. This is like telling a Jewish child that the current year isn’t 2019, but is actually 5779 (as according to the Jewish calendar). Suddenly, the Jewish child realizes the gentile nation around them is nothing but a misleading fabrication imposed by the goyim.

We know that the robots’ simulation is merely a matrix within the Architect-Oracle’s matrix, because outside the former, Neo retains some of his powers. He can stop sentinel robots, and he sees a matrix-like hidden reality after Smith blinds him. He can do this because he’s the real messiah (Yahweh’s messenger) destined to free humanity (the Jews) from the soulless robots (goyim) and their simulation (non-Jewish civilization) that exists within the Architect’s matrix (Yahweh’s creation). Zion exists outside of the robot’s matrix, but is inside the Architect’s matrix. Thus, regardless of their racial plurality in the surface narrative, all the people trapped in the pods represent the Jewish diaspora enslaved to a goyishe system, and all the people in Zion are Israeli Jews. That might seem convoluted, but a simple diagram shows it’s not:


Most of the people we see going about their lives in the robots’ simulation are not enslaved humans, but “programs” who perform the jobs necessary to keep the simulation running. This explains how the agents are able to possess people in the simulation; they’re not possessing humans (Jews with souls and free will), but the programs (goyim) who are intrinsically linked to the system. This reflects the Jewish paranoia that all non-Jews are potential enemies, and that anti-Semitism can spread like a virus through non-Jewish populations. The Wachowskis throw the goyim a bone by presenting a family of programs (the East Indians in the subway) as having similar emotions and desires as their human counterparts, something which surprises Neo, who just assumed the programs were subhuman.

Morpheus named his ship the “Nebuchadnezzar II” (the King of Babylon who destroyed Solomon’s Temple) in the same way the United States names its military vehicles after defeated enemies, such as the Apache attack helicopter or the USS Iwo Jima. He personifies the rabid, unhinged Jewish messianists who believe the arrival of their messiah is near. Those he frees from the robot’s simulation go to Zion (Israel), ruled by a panel representing the Sanhedrin. The humans (Jews) can feel free there, but they still live under the constant threat of the robots (goyim) and the watchful eye of the Architect (Yahweh).

Living outside the robot’s simulation is shown to be rough, just as Israel is an inhospitable desert compared to countries in the West. Cipher’s decision to return to the robot’s simulation in the first film mirrors Israeli Jews who emigrate because it’s a more comfortable existence abroad, even if they’re essentially agreeing to live under the enemy’s thumb. Like so many Jews living in the West, Cipher wants a charmed life, like being an actor or a rich person; anything less would be an insult to his inherent superiority (chosenness).

Not all citizens of Zion believe that Neo is the messiah, just as not all Jews have believed in previous messianist movements, such as those led by Sabbatai Zevi, Jacob Frank, and their modern equivalents in the Chabad-Lubavitch sect. Those who believe in Neo bring him gifts and ask for favors, while others are skeptical and wait for Neo to prove himself. This shows that producing miracles in the robot’s matrix is not enough to convince everyone in Zion of Neo’s connection to God; they expect miracles in their world too. He must free all the humans trapped in the Matrix and force the robots to serve humanity, just as the Jewish messiah is expected to free all the Jews and force the gentiles to serve them.

Wait, don’t they have it backwards?

Essentially, Agent Smith’s crusade against Zion is an allegory of the Christian Crusades that, according to the Jews, was primarily a holy war against Jews for killing Christ (and not about stopping Islamic invasion). According to them, Jews were given the option of converting (assimilating), and those who refused were murdered. When Neo refused to be assimilated, Agent Smith (Christ) converted every program in the robot’s simulation to his side, took control of its real-world army of robot sentinels (non-Jews), and attacked Zion (Israel).

All of this was simply too confusing for modern audiences. Most had the religious subtext of Neo and Smith backwards (believing Smith to be the Antichrist), and whites are so far removed from the notion of holy war that they couldn’t understand Smith’s motivations. What difference would it make to the robots if a measly hovel of ten thousand humans were minding their own business? Morpheus and his gang weren’t going around red-pilling millions of people stuck in their matrix. Would freeing hundreds, or even thousands, make a noticeable impact on their power grid? Before Smith began his crusade, the robots simply destroyed human ships rather than tracking them back to Zion.

Recall that the reason the robots kept humans as slaves in their simulation was to convert their body heat into electricity. The Wachowskis took the anti-Semitic stereotype of the parasitic Jew and projected it onto the hated goyim, implying that gentiles require Jews to survive, when the exact opposite is true. I suppose Jews were used for slave labor during the Second World War, but dragging that into this would really mix up the trilogy’s metaphors. In reality, Americans send billions of dollars to Israel every year – so who’s being enslaved by whom? Besides, Jews played a dominant role in the slave trade for centuries, and they believe that slavery is a Jewish right, so the Wachowskis are projecting bigly.

Harvesting human body heat is a retarded idea, anyway. You know what would give more of those precious BTUs than a human? A cow! And you wouldn’t need a staggeringly complex simulation to keep cows happy; an infinite pasture stretching as far as the eye can see with no predators would do the trick. Cows would make a lot more sense in the subtext, too, because they’ve done more to sustain Western civilization than Jews ever have. It was our genetic adaptation to lactose tolerance and cow’s milk that helped us through difficult times, not Jews (with what, their usury?).

The robot (goyim) matrix had to be powered by humans (Jews), because the Wachowskis needed an allegory for Jews enslaved by non-Jews. They can’t stand that their precious lives are spent toiling away in foreign nations where they’re forced to pay taxes. Their woe is best summed up by the astonishingly hideous Jewish reggae singer Matthew Miller (aka Matisyahu), whose song “Jerusalem” contains the lyrics, “Three thousand years with no place ta be, and they (goyim) want us (Jews) to give up our milk and honey.” This attitude is shared by the Orthodox Jewish community, many of whom go on welfare rather than work and pay taxes. He’s formerly from the Chabad-Lubavitch sect of messianist Jews who believe their messiah will come and force all of humanity to bow to Noahide laws or else face beheading.

If the Wachowskis were honest, they would have positioned the humans as parasitic leeches stealing electricity from the robot’s power grid to keep a struggling Zion up and running. When the robots noticed, the humans might have pulled off some big terror attacks to scare the robots into submission, or infiltrated their central processing unit and subverted it to a pro-Zion agenda to the detriment of the robots. Once in control, the humans could sit back and watch after sending one group of robots to destroy another group of robots in Zion’s vicinity. Then, some of the robots might realize they were being jewed, which would serve as a reasonable catalyst for them to attack Zion. Instead, the Wachowskis went back the better part of a thousand years to dredge up the last existential conflict between Christianity and Judaism.

Nullifying Christianity to save the Jews

The Architect, being the angry, vengeful type, doesn’t seem to care what happens to Zion because he knows the robots will set some humans free. He says they do this because their reliance on humans for power ensures “the One” will be reborn eventually inside their farm, and he’ll need somewhere to go because he’s incapable of being assimilated. When he reveals to Neo that Zion goes through cycles of destruction and renewal, the subtext is that Jews have always suffered hardships but managed to survive, such as when the Romans sacked Jerusalem but failed to exterminate the Jews. Likewise, when he talks about the robot’s matrix being rebuilt, he’s referring to the rise and fall of Western civilization. The Oracle presumably approves of Neo and hates Smith because the latter isn’t her messenger and has been ruining her plan. However, the Architect warns Neo that if the humans misbehave, he will have the robots smash Zion again, just as Israel has been smashed repeatedly by the goyim.

Neo decides he can stop the robot’s army from destroying Zion by finishing the job he started when he accidentally “overwrote” or “copied” parts of himself onto Agent Smith. He reenters the robots’ simulation and proves once and for all that he is the true messiah by assimilating Smith and all of his clones (followers). There’s even a cross-like formation seen from a bird’s eye view of the city when this happens. This can be taken as the fulfillment of the Jewish desire to annoint a messiah (of their choosing), and thereby annul Christ and Christianity in the process.

By neutralizing Smith and his clones, Neo has become the Antichrist. He has eliminated the “false” prophet of the robots that commanded them to attack Zion, and thus defused their animosity towards humanity. It reflects the Jewish belief that a new messiah is needed to pacify the goyim. In assimilating Smith, it suggests that part of the Jewish messianists’ plan will be to somehow incorporate Christianity into their messianic movement to defuse the conflict between the Abrahamic religions. The same would apply to Islam: The Jews who want to build the Third Temple in Israel claim that it will not just be for the Jewish people, but for Christians and Muslims as well.


Many misinterpreted The Matrix as nothing more than a fable of humanity versus automation, or took it as a metaphor for a Marxist revolution against capitalism. That’s because they’re ignorant of the Jewish “us versus them” mindset in which non-Jews are condemned as slaves and are classified as subhuman (the Talmud contains dozens of references to non-Jews as animals). Looking at The Matrix trilogy in a specifically Jewish light, it becomes clear why the two sequels to the original film emphasized the battle for Zion instead of Neo’s crusade to free more people trapped in the robot’s simulation.

The trilogy ends in a dissatisfying stalemate. Neo is presumably dead, and there are still diaspora Jews left in goyishe nations, waiting to rejoin their brothers and sisters in Zion. In other words, if the Wachowskis hadn’t felt the need to recast Agent Smith as Jesus Christ, the story could have ended with the first film, with no need whatsoever for the crappy sequels. They just couldn’t let it be, because too many fans thought Neo was a metaphor for Jesus, the Jewish nemesis.

Originally, the role of Neo was offered to Will Smith, but he rejected it. That, combined with the multiracial casting and allusions to Christianity among the good guys (like the character “Trinity,” who, incidentally, is doomed to die) demonstrate the lengths to which the Wachowskis were willing to go to distract the goyim from the subtext of their poorly-conceived allegory. That they tried to cast a black man in the lead, and even roped Cornell West into performing a brief cameo (one wonders if he’s aware of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews?), points to their desire to further confuse audiences with allusions to America’s history of slavery.

Thus, the Wachowskis hoodwinked a predominantly Christian audience with the story of the fucking Antichrist. It seems to me that this was a very Jewy thing for them to do, but the goyim got the last laugh. The Wachowski brothers have decided to take their rebellion against Logos to the next level by denying the Y chromosome itself. I’m sure that’s working out about as well as the box-office flops they’ve directed since V for Vendetta.

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