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Vox Day invited me to join him in one of his Brainstorm sessions to discuss the Alternative Right. This is the recording. The Brainstorm format involves taking questions from the audience as well as from one another. It was a highly enjoyable conversation, and I want to thank Vox and his listeners for making it possible. Topics discussed include:
- Reasons to oppose race-mixing, in answer to a question that made specific reference to Richard Spencer’s views in his Alt Right press conference
- Vox’s racial identity and how it impacts his views of ethnic and racial nationalism
- The African population bomb
- The Alt Right and White Nationalism (“The Alt Right is White Nationalism . . . or Nothing at All” and “Trump, Hillary, and the Alt Right“)
- The original Alternative Right webzine
- How Vox, Mike Cernovich, and Milo became associated with the Alt Right label
- The Milo question (“Alt Right vs. Alt Wrong“)
- Allies, enemies, and neutrals
- Andrew Anglin’s anti-Milo fatwa
- Opportunities vs. threats
- Vox on the Alt-White vs. the Alt-West
- How ethnonationalism is for all nations
- How ethnonationalism is an application of a broader principle of preserving biodiversity
- Ethnic nationalism vs. racial nationalism (“Why ‘White’ Nationalism?“)
- Heidegger on ethnic nationalism vs. biological race
- How biological race thinking can undermine ethnic nationalism
- The white American ethnic identity is not just generic blended whiteness
- Ethnonationalism vs. pan-Europeanism and globalization
- Religion and the Alt Right (“Christianity and European Identity“)
- The Jewish question and Zionism (“White Nationalism and Jewish Nationalism,” Review of Yoav Shamir’s Defamation)
- The concepts of the New Right and hegemony (“New Right vs. Old Right” and “Hegemony“)
- The ethnonationalist critique of imperialism
- The Turner Diaries
- Hungary
- The demographics of the Alt Right
- Secessionist nationalist movements in Europe
- The necessity and dangers of fundraising
- Why Donald Trump needs to become the next US President