Greg Johnson welcomed Endeavour (Substack, Telegram, YouTube), Horus, Millennial Woes (official website), and Pox Populi (Telegram, YouTube) to last weekend’s broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss the sudden return of Tommy Robinson to Twitter/X and his counter-demonstration against pro-Palestinian protesters in London on Saturday, as well as other issues. It is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:21:07 How Greg Johnson lost his Twitter account
00:22:07 The Right is now pro-cancel culture
00:24:57 How the media sells different narratives to different demographics
00:29:37 On Jewish neuroticism
00:30:28 How the Jewish establishment hides their power
00:32:28 On Jordan Peterson
00:33:32 Jewish power is without accountability
00:35:39 On feminine power
00:43:05 How Jews come to dominate
00:44:36 On the history of civic nationalism
00:52:08 The Israeli influence in Canadian politics
00:54:04 Why don’t Tommy Robinson’s supporters remember his scandals? (Tommy Robinson articles on CC.)
00:57:56 How Tommy Robinson undermined ethnonationalism in Ireland
01:05:01 When Tommy grifted onto a grooming gang trial (See Greg Johnson’s “Why I Don’t Support Tommy Robinson.”)
01:09:20 What happened to the Alt Lite?
01:14:36 The real Right has been growing
01:21:18 There is now a counter-argument to deportation of immigrants
01:21:49 Chosen identities vs. natural identities
01:27:19 Enter Millennial Woes
01:34:07 Has Robinson been compromised by blackmail?
01:34:58 On infiltrators in Right-wing groups
01:39:12 In politics, first do no harm
01:41:55 How multiculturalism overshadows Artist’s Day
01:44:36 Woes: “Robinson hates White Nationalists”
01:45:42 What role does Robinson play for the establishment?
01:47:02 The pro-Palestine protest was originally the villain
01:48:57 Visegrad24 and other Zionist Twitter accounts
01:56:35 Ethnic conflict as a bad marriage
01:59:17 The importance of a tempered strategy
02:07:08 The legal tactics surrounding Charlottesville were poorly planned
02:12:08 Anti-Zionist Jews
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