Imagine that you’re an organic dairy farmer in Pennsylvania, as trad as can be. One day, while you’re supposed to be milking the cows by hand, someone catches you at your side gig. Specifically, you’re working on your cloud-hosted Hyper-V cluster, adding a DNS reverse lookup zone to the Active Directory domain controller so the DHCP server can assign PTR records when it leases IP addresses. Obviously, your Amish brethren won’t cotton to that. They might shun you for apostasy, and perhaps stack one count of felony TCP/IP administration onto your sentence. Still, luckily for you at least the Amish Ordnungspolizei won’t put out a contract on you.
David Cole wasn’t so fortunate after a sacrilegious act of a similar magnitude in his own community, though at least he survived. He’s best known as a Holocaust revisionist. Since he’s Jewish, this makes him perhaps their biggest heretic since Jacob Frank. Note well: Revisionism isn’t a single counter-orthodoxy, but rather a range of interpretations. He rejects the polemical term “denier,” since he agrees with substantial facets of the story’s orthodox version. (Few would deny that any persecutions took place, which I concur would be an untenable position.) He believes that there were four death camps instead of six, for instance. Auschwitz is one of the alleged death camps that he identifies as having been only a labor camp — which, of course, happens to be the big banana in the mainstream account. The major problem is that, according to the Guardians of The Narrative, the Holocaust is a package deal, and no part of it may be questioned.
The heresy that started it all
In his younger days, he produced a documentary about Auschwitz that poked some big holes in the part of The Narrative described above. For a recap of the findings, Carlo Mattogno’s book Curated Lies: The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions offers a good summary of that outing:
In the summer of 1992, the U.S.-American atheist Jew David Cole went to Auschwitz and recorded on video tape what the attractive young Polish tour guide there was telling him about the alleged gas chamber inside Crematorium I at the Auschwitz Main Camp. She claimed that everything David was seeing there was indeed authentic, genuine and in its original state (Cole 1993, starting at 9:47).
Later during his tour, David managed to interview Franciszek Piper, at that time curator of the museum’s historical archives. He confirmed in front of David’s camera that what tourists are seeing to this day is neither authentic nor genuine nor original. It was all “reconstructed” shortly after the war to look similar to what the Auschwitz Museum’s authorities claimed back then it would have looked when this place was allegedly used by the SS to mass murder Jews and other inmates with poison gas.
In particular the four holes in the ceiling of the purported gas chamber, through which the SS murderers ostensibly poured in the lethal Zyklon-B pellets, were confirmed by Dr. Piper to have been put into place after the war on orders of the museum authorities. Yet Piper insisted that they were put at exactly the same spots where the old, SS-made holes had been, as traces of these holes, which were supposedly filled up by the SS in 1943 or 1944, were allegedly still visible after war’s end (Cole 1993, 28:38-28:51).
One can see a tear developing in the narrative about the Auschwitz “Krema 1” alleged gas chamber in this video. When Cole asked the right questions, the response created a new dialectic on the fly, and I’ll fill in some of the details:
- Thesis: The original official narrative was that the “Krema 1” room was always a gas chamber, nothing more and nothing less.
- Antithesis: The revisionist findings are that the room was originally an air raid shelter. (There’s a lot of supporting evidence, among other things including a lack of cyanide compounds in chemical assays. Other interesting details are outlines on the floor suggesting wall partitions and an obvious toilet. Cole himself noticed a manhole, which was standard operating procedure for an air raid shelter, leading to an emergency exit in case the front door became blocked.) Then it was refitted after the war by the Soviets to look like a gas chamber by removing the partitions and the bathroom fixtures, and chiseling some holes through the fortified ceiling. The reconstruction included the ominous smokestack that, oddly, doesn’t connect to the building.[1]
- Synthesis: The new orthodox narrative is that the room was originally a gas chamber, and then the Germans refitted it at some point to be an air raid shelter. After the war — as the new story goes — it was reconstructed to look as it did when it had been a gas chamber. (Occam’s Razor in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . . .) Franciszek Piper seemed rather evasive during Cole’s interview, but he affirmed that it had been reconstructed, despite the tour guide claiming it was in its original condition.
Obviously, the Auschwitz video made a bit of a splash. So did other appearances, such as David Cole’s discussion two years later with Ernst Zündel. Among several noteworthy items, he presented a rare look into the Jewish community’s workings, which is more diverse than we generally give it credit for being. Also, he revealed how the usual alphabet soup foundations and other big Zionist pressure groups take it upon themselves to call the shots.
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Cole’s meeting with Zündel was quite cordial, even if Cole’s autobiography Republican Party Animal gets slightly snippy about him in places. It certainly is an entertaining page-turner, but there are a few grating moments now and then. For that matter, I get the feeling that David considered himself the biggest brain among the revisionists. He certainly dished out a lot of criticism about many of the others.
Still, much to his credit, the book brings up the tremendous hypocrisy concerning Zündel’s ultimate fate. The People’s Democratic Republic of Canuckistan put him in solitary confinement (with the connivance of the American immigration authorities), then eventually arranged for his extreme rendition to Germany. He was no longer a citizen there, yet he got railroaded anyway for “crimes” committed outside of Germany – effectively, extraterritoriality in reverse — for which there is no affirmative legal defense; basically Kafka at his finest. However, “At the same time that Zündel was locked away in his tiny Toronto cell with no charge or trial, Canada had granted permanent residency and a teaching position to Léon Mugesera, the former Rwandan government official accused of having launched the Rwandan genocide of the early ’90s that cost an estimated 800,000 lives.” Precious, isn’t it? Oh, Canada!
The underground year
Because of these videos, as well as talk show appearances (often with rhinestone “skeptics” and mainstream media bottom-feeders), the Guardians of The Narrative made it personal. Ultimately he had to change his name due to very plausible death threats. Even after he quietly dropped out of the revisionist scene in 1995, the price on his head was increased to $25,000 in 1998. (Advertising murder-for-hire gigs online is illegal, but apparently the authorities had other priorities in this case.) As he states in his autobiography, this prompted him to recant disingenuously and pay off his tormentors. In a separate interview, he revealed that he haggled their initial $5,000 blackmail demand down to $2,200 —good one, Dave!
He then reinvented himself as David Stein. What follows is quite a dizzying story. (I’ll add that in his earlier years, he looked rather like the lead character in the Israeli sex comedy Lemon Popsicle. His love life would turn out to be about as troubled, too.) Unstable girlfriends feature prominently. They’re basically the starlet-wannabe types so common in Hollywood, who often have more issues than National Geographic.
Earlier he’d been too scrupulous to monetize his interest in history, but things changed. Short on cash, and after a girlfriend maxed out his credit cards and dumped him, he needed income. Using a couple of pseudonyms, he produced both orthodox and revisionist Holocaust material. (Playing both sides of the fence? What a clever bastard! Another good one, Dave; you’ve revalidated your Jew card!) This part of the autobiography gets a bit surreal:
I had to speak to a lot of professors over the phone, but I wasn’t going to be doing any media. There were times when the routine was frustrating, especially those times when this or that Holocaust history professor, not knowing that he was actually speaking to David Cole, would mention my old work with a sneering “yeah, that Jewish denier kid was actually on to something about Auschwitz, but we just can’t talk about that stuff publicly.”
I remember having a phone conversation with a professor from Boston University, a good customer, in which he was complimenting me on “Cal’s” film about Dachau. Somewhat solemnly, he said “You know, there are times I wish we could just tell the world that the ‘gas chamber’ at that camp was built by our troops after the war. But we can’t encourage denial.”
“Yes, too bad,” I replied, “we need to safeguard those secrets.” Meanwhile, in my mind I was throttling the lying prick.
Selling revisionist VHS tapes to Boomers didn’t earn him much money. On the other hand, it turns out that there’s no business like Shoah business:
My Tinbergen Archives mailing list had become a hot property. Although only about 12,000 names strong, it was aggressively sought-after because most of the names were West Coast Jews (the typical Jewish mailing list consists of the same old East Coast names). I was repped by Negev Direct Marketing, the largest Jewish mailing list broker in the world, and I was able to trade my list for dozens of others, including the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance, the World Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Historical Society, and the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous. I also made some decent cash by selling the list to Jonathan David Publishers, Elderhostel, and MBI. By the end of it, I had a mailing list that included the home addresses of Spielberg and Streisand (and filmmaker Wes Craven, who actually wrote a fan letter to “Tinbergen”).
David later branched out and made inroads into the film industry. He also began organizing Republican Party Animal events, which were a real-world manifestation of a Facebook group. He rose to high places within a nearly-underground conservative Hollywood club. Cole/Stein also became prominent in online political commentary, going considerably further with it than my own humble efforts since 2016. He met a number of Republican luminaries and fairly high-ranking Hollywood figures during this time. Doors kept opening for him. It’s amazing where someone with the right connections can go in just a few years!
Eventually, the party was over. The catalyst was his last ex-girlfriend, who left him for Tipjar Mike, a perennially penurious “alpha fucks” guitarist. In my opinion, David — who played the “beta bucks” role — had already been much too patient while their five-year relationship circled the drain:
It didn’t entirely end that abruptly. Chris’ conscience got the better of him, and he told me he’d known for months about what Rosie was up to. And I was faced with the cold realization that the thousands of dollars Rosie had taken off me the previous few months had been squirrel-style nut-storing . . . something to tide her over for her summer with Tipjar.
After monkey-branching to the guitarist of humble means, she had to do without the daily $200 lunches — apparently she’s a big eater with Los Angeles tastes — and the other perks accompanying continuous access to Jew money. (I doubt he’d be offended with me putting it this way, since he was every bit as blunt when writing about it.) Apparently, real life was a rude awakening for Ms. Princess Complex. Then she dumped Tipjar Mike after he fêted her with a $6.99 soup-and-salad lunch on Valentine’s Day. Che orrore!
No longer being maintained in the lifestyle to which she became accustomed, she blamed David for her reversal of fortune, even though she was the one who had pulled the plug on their relationship. Her next boyfriend, obviously recruited as a proxy, avenged the damsel-in-distress. Specifically, he tattled to their common social circle about David’s secret past as a Holocaust revisionist. Way to go, Sir White Knight!
While I was on the phone, I noticed the membership in the private Facebook “think tank” group dropping rapidly. Minus five. Minus ten. Within fifteen minutes, we’d lost twenty people. That was irregular. We never lost anyone before.
This omen was merely the beginning of the drama. The pearl-clutching mainstream Republican pussies were dropping him like a hot potato, all because of things he had done two decades prior. Even his friend Larry Elder conveniently forgot to pay him for a video editing job as agreed.
To me, this all looks quite familiar: the usual rush of lukewarm conservatives to disavow anyone ever caught treading a millimeter into forbidden territory. They’re scared witless of being called names by their opponents, as if that were a fate worse than death. They’ll fall all over themselves to cancel any of their own who strayed outside of “acceptable” opinion. That’s why they fall for the salami-slicing trick all the damn time. They’re like crabs helpfully pulling their buddies back into the fisherman’s bucket.
In retrospect
My take is that this serves as a lesson: If you do tread into forbidden territory, then the only thing to do after that is to keep moving forward until victory. David Cole tried to walk away quietly, recanting and even cutting a check to the people who tried to hire a hit man to rub him out. Still, his past caught up with him.
Since then, Cole has had to do his best to make lemonade out of lemons. He started the Big Infidel website, which later became Counter Contempt, but it’s been offline for some time. One of his ongoing pursuits is writing for Taki’s Magazine. There, he wrote about his earlier years:
I was beaten up on three separate occasions, but every time it was by the same group of thugs from an organization called the Jewish Defense League, run by a golem named Irv Rubin. When the beatings didn’t sway me, the JDL put a $25,000 bounty on my head in 1998. I changed my name and spent the next 18 years living as David Stein, making mainstream Holocaust films. I eventually became a conservative blogger whose work was carried by sites like FrontPageMag, the Daily Caller, and Fox News.
Granted, some of that might seem like backtracking on his part. To clarify, he also stated:
For the record, I never denied the Holocaust. My position was that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp, and the buildings displayed there as gas chambers are Soviet fakes. I never denied mass exterminations of Jews at camps like Treblinka and Sobibór.
It’s possible he might change his mind if he had a look at some of the research his fellow revisionists have done since he left the scene. On the other hand, as objective as he’s been in the past, I could still hardly blame Mr. Cole if he does not look into it or wish to comment further. He’s already come close to getting the ultimate penalty for heresy.
Speaking of the Operation Reinhard camps
For example, the 2006 documentary One Third Of the Holocaust by Dean Irebodd devastatingly picks apart the narratives about Treblinka, Bełżec, and Sobibór. It runs for over four hours, and I couldn’t summarize it properly without writing an independent review. To put things very briefly, the orthodox story claims that a million and a half Jews were gassed in Treblinka using the diesel fumes from a captured Soviet tank engine. Later, the decaying corpses were all dug up and incinerated, handily destroying the evidence. Fuel consumption was no problem, since the exhumed cadavers burned readily, and women were especially combustible.
You can buy Leo Yankevich’s book, Tikkun Olam, here.
Is the story starting to sound a bit flaky yet? Beyond physical and logistical impossibilities, which the Dean Irebodd video discusses in great depth, the problem is that most of the legends surrounding Treblinka and the other Operation Reinhard camps come from just a handful of eyewitnesses. Some are German confessions made under torture and other forms of duress, or obviously to avoid the death penalty by telling the Nuremberg judges what they wanted to hear. Even then, some slipped in clearly unbelievable details as a tip-off for anyone who cared to look into it later. Apart from those, there were a few Jewish ex-prisoners with an ax to grind. Although their accounts included obvious tall tales, they nevertheless were accepted into the orthodox canon.
Note well that there are a lot of powerful and influential people who don’t want you to see books and videos explaining the other side of the story. They don’t want you even to know that there is another side to the war propaganda that’s been endlessly rehashed long past its expiration date. For David Cole and Ernst Zündel (among several others), advocating revisionist positions meant having their lives turned upside down. In several “liberal democracies” in Europe that pride themselves on their freedom, disputing any elements of the orthodox Holocaust story is punishable by imprisonment.
What’s the big deal here? It’s hardly remarkable for historians to arrive at different conclusions about. It’s entirely possible to write a biography of Julius Caesar or even Genghis Khan that questions other versions without working oneself into a moralizing lather. Nobody goes to jail for arguing whether Napoléon was an asshole dictator or a great leader. Pinkos are perfectly free to say that Chairman Mao, Ho Chi Minh, and Fidel Castro were the good guys. (Heck, that’s nearly a qualification for a full professorship lately.) Remember, if an event in the past is held to be beyond question, and disagreement can be met with violence, ruination, or imprisonment, then it’s not history; it’s propaganda. No government has to pass laws to protect history, unless they’re trying to protect a lie.
The Holocaust narrative’s character
There’s a compelling argument that debate about the Holocaust is irrelevant, and even a distraction. The pressing matters of today do not hinge on what was or wasn’t happening eight decades ago. Even if the sufferings of Jews in the past were exactly as described, the argumentum ad misericordiam doesn’t grant Zionists license to engage in the usual sorts of bad behavior in perpetuity. That argument not only makes sense, it’s bulletproof. The problem here is that this isn’t a dispassionate debate which stays within the boundaries of formal logic.
The Holocaust has gone beyond an actual series of events and taken on the characteristics of an elaborate and very politically-charged narrative. It’s no longer merely a historical matter; it has become the stuff of legend. It coalesced from an inextricable mixture of actual facts, camp rumors, war propaganda, tall tales from former inmates, and a pungent whiff of smoke from the Moloch story. Thus, it’s hardly a surprise that there are so many exaggerations. It’s not even too much to think of it as a secular religion.
Like most legends, this one has changed over time. For instance, the soap, lampshades, and shrunken heads that I was told about in high school have been dropped from the story. (I wonder what my history teacher would have to say about that?) Lately, orthodox sources concur that the only actual death camps in the concentration camp system were located in territories later to be occupied by the Soviet Union — surely an odd coincidence. The plaque commemorating four million victims at Auschwitz was quietly changed to one million. (The Red Cross’ figure was 52,589.) But as fuzzy math would have it, the six million total remains unchanged. Despite all this, challenges to The Narrative are treated as heresy or blasphemy if they’re from unapproved sources.
Who benefits?
The Holocaust is effectively the State of Israel’s foundational myth (sometimes piously called “ha Shoah” in Hebrew, including the definite article) to an even greater degree than the Aeneid was Rome’s national epic. This has certain practical implications. For one, it gave the Israelis license to run the Palestinians off their land. It justifies the ongoing shakedown payments from Germany. It also serves as a magical “get out of criticism free” card for bad behavior, and even I must admit they have a pretty high trouble-per-capita ratio. Anyone who dares criticize Zionists is “the next Hitler” and all the rest of it. It likewise allows Jews of a certain sort to present themselves as eternal victims, allowing them to ascend to the apex of the sociopolitical pecking order.
This is all tremendously useful, given the present anti-white “privilege” rhetoric, to which Zionists have contributed heavily. Ironically, Jews are the most “privileged” ethnic group of all, according to the economic statistics typically considered in such discussions. Moreover, they routinely practice the sort of ethnic nepotism that, for garden-variety whites, would be called “systemic racism” and penalized under anti-discrimination laws. Despite all that, they still get a free pass because of their prior persecutions. They have a constellation of lobbies, foundations, and “watchdog” outfits which generally enjoy a favorable relationship with governments. (Organizations formed in the interests of ordinary whites are called “hate groups,” of course.) Essentially, Zionists get to play the Victimization Olympics on God mode.
Apart than that, the Holocaust is the keystone of the “Good War” narrative. This became the national epic of that globalist empire sometimes called the New World Order. For the United States, this broader narrative served as a smokescreen hiding the FDR administration’ many misdeeds, such as unwisely saving their Soviet buddies, who turned against us shortly afterward, resulting in a decades-long nuclear standoff. For the Soviets themselves, their “Great Patriotic War” narrative was a distraction from their own towering heap of dirty laundry. It served as a smokescreen for the British government’s conduct of the war, when they spread democracy one bomb at a time. (Those who claim the moral high ground should try acting the part.) Moreover, the “Good War” business explained to the British public why they had to endure a generation of post-war poverty and lose their once-proud Empire.
The Holocaust is not merely a blood libel against the German people. There’s also a secondary result, one that has become more prominent in recent times. Namely — so goes The Agenda — the Holocaust is the underlying reason for why white countries shouldn’t exist, and why white people should eventually be crossbred into oblivion. After all, unique among all the races in the world, there’s a little Hitler in each of us, so we’ve all got to go: QED. The logic behind this six-megaton guilt bomb is a bit dodgy, of course. (For one thing, did they forget which side the US, Britain, and France fought on during the Second World War? We shouldn’t have bothered, most especially if that’s the kind of thanks we get.) Still, a lot of sneaky Zionists and ethnomasochistic sickos believe the collective guilt narrative, and unfortunately, some of them have considerable power and influence.
Finally, the Holocaust is also the justification for every lame reductio ad hitlerum argument that’s ever been made. Given all the things listed above, it seems pretty clear that this historical legend is no mere distraction. It’s not much of a stretch to think of it as something like the One Ring of Sauron.
Yes, revisionism is good for the Jews
Although it would be a tough sell, accepting revisionist findings would improve relations tremendously. Jews are told that in the 1940s their people were singled out for the deadliest, sadistic, and monstrous persecution by far in the entire history of the world. It occurred because the Germans were jealous of their moral superiority. Worse, non-Jews have unpredictable tempers that, without the least bit of provocation, will simultaneously turn their friendly neighbors into bloodthirsty fiends. This stuff is drummed into Jews from childhood onward. They’re told that this gruesome event defines them even more than their religion, their ethno-cultural identity, and certainly more than citizenship in their country of residence. Every time Hollywood comes out with a creatively sadomasochistic new spin on these events, it reopens these old wounds. It’s difficult for the rest of us to imagine what unending mental anguish all this must create.
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Worse, it tends to inspire paranoia to believe that the knives can come out all at once and for no reason whatsoever — and maybe it’s only a matter of time before IT happens again. Their above-average neurotic traits will exacerbate this feeling. The resulting collective paranoia will motivate some of them to organize and then figure out sneaky, manipulative, and destructive ways to destabilize their host countries and gain the upper hand “just in case.” (Obviously a prime example is agitating for open borders, which their lobbyists have a pattern of doing everywhere except Israel.) Every step that their host population takes toward reasserting their sovereignty will be considered a step closer to the dreaded gates of Auschwitz. The problem is that sneaky, manipulative, and destructive stuff has a way of getting noticed, and tends not to win hearts and minds. This in turn causes a lot of friction that wouldn’t have existed otherwise. Come on, just stop doing that.
How would their perspective be different if they accepted revisionist findings? First of all, it should come as a relief that the grim death toll that everyone has heard so often was basically a journalistic trope created long before the war. In actual fact, this prediction of a frightful outcome turned out to be a drastic overestimate. Massive internments did occur which were an unfortunate reaction to considerable and avoidable friction which made them appear to be security risks. Still, these labor camps were not intended to be death factories. Jewish casualties did occur there and elsewhere, but mainly from wartime conditions and their aftermath. Major causes included malnutrition, typhus, exposure, combat, Allied strategic bombing, and so forth — fairly similar to the perils suffered by other civilian populations caught up in the deadliest war in history.
Again, it would be a very tough sell. Still, an accurate understanding of these events would tend to encourage them to become peace activists. That’s hardly objectionable, and in fact it’s badly needed now that America’s Commander-In-Cheat can’t tell the difference between the nuclear football and his rubber ducky.
* * *
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[1] For countless visitors, this prominent feature looming over the horizon must surly have been their first impression as they approached Auschwitz. Imagine, if you will, the dread upon contemplating the unfathomably terrible war years when four million innocent souls, prematurely snuffed out, departed into the heavens through the belching smoke emerging from that very monstrous spire of Moloch! It’s unlikely that many of the visitors went off the guided path of the tour to look behind the “gas chamber,” because they then would have wondered why the infamous smokestack didn’t adjoin the building.
This was obviously erected by a construction crew that hadn’t been told what it was for, probably in sparse instructions like “Go build a huge smokestack over there.” In Soviet military culture, following orders to the letter was what mattered, and one couldn’t be blamed for the result if the orders lacked clarity or just didn’t make sense. On the other hand, if they had subcontracted the job to a local construction crew, then perhaps there’s a kernel of truth in Polack jokes.