J. Bowyer Bell
Terror Out of Zion: The Fight for Israeli Independence
New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1996
Stephen Wise, a prominent Zionist and “American [sic] Jew,” said in a 1931 speech that “I would say to England [then ruling Palestine under a League of Nations Mandate] if I could, an Arab Palestine is a threat to Great Britain and a menace to the world, and a Jewish Palestine is an asset to Great Britain and a blessing to the world!” We now know that Wise was the one who was wrong. A Jewish Palestine turned out to be a liability to Great Britain.
Jewish-controlled Palestine is also a menace to the world. Since the Zionist cancer metastasized, any time any nation stands against any Jewish swindle in any way, that nation can be threatened by a nuclear-armed state with long-range delivery systems, including a second-strike capability in the form of missile submarines paid for by the Americans and built by the Germans. Additionally, to keep Israel secure, other powers – especially the United Kingdom and the United States – must provide significant military aid[1] to it, in addition to carrying out aggressive military actions on Israel’s behalf in the Middle East. For example, the Iraq War was planned by Jewish senior officials in the US government over the course of several presidential administrations, and it was finally initiated by Jews in the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans. Likewise, the Syrian Civil War worsened due to British and American support for Israel, and tensions with Iran are high today in large part because of Jewish pressure groups in the United States.
On the other hand, the displaced Palestinians are disruptive in their own right. The Lebanese Civil War occurred in large part because Palestinians disturbed the ethnic balance of that nation. And today, the Palestinians and the Arab world in general are anti-American, but there was a time when the Arabs of Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine saw a bright partnership with America ahead. All of this is gone today, of course. The question of who lost Syria should be explored from all angles. This article will look specifically at the Jewish Zio-terrorism that led to the creation of the state of Israel.
Israel as we know it today emerged from a long-running terrorist campaign that began during the period of British rule in Palestine following the First World War. This terrorist campaign is documented from a pro-Zionist point of view by J. Bowyer Bell, an American who also wrote about the Provisional IRA’s terror campaign in Ulster in the later twentieth century. When one reads this book, as well as when one looks at Arabic sources such as Al-Jazeera documentaries, one gets an understanding of Jewish organization, financial influence, and metapolitical finesse operating against a people who were utterly unprepared for the onslaught against them.
One must state up front that terrorism is only a tactic. It is a means to a political end. As there is always an ethnic component to any political endeavor, terrorism becomes a thing when one group of people is not able to fight another via conventional means. It is thus the tool of the weak against the strong.
The first thing that is striking regarding the Zionist project is that they had a big advantage over the Palestinians in that internationalist, organized Jewry had already developed a considerable social and economic head of steam by the 1870s, following Napoleon’s emancipation of the Jews. After the US Civil War, one can see the first traces of Jews flexing their political muscle in America, such as when they organized against the “Christian amendment” proposed by the National Reform Association. In Europe, they organized and ran radical political groups such as the Communists and the anarchists. Many also embraced Zionism and supported Jewish settlers in Palestine, or even became settlers themselves.
There was a considerable wave of Jewish immigration to Ottoman-ruled Palestine in the 1880s. As Jewish settlement increased, the Jewish National Fund began purchasing large swaths of land in northern Palestine – the area’s best agricultural land – as early as 1910. (J. Bower Bell deceptively describes Jews buying land orange grove by orange grove, and also “draining swamps” to reclaim the land.) The 1910 Jewish National Fund transaction displaced nearly sixty thousand Palestinians. The Arabs in Palestine were disadvantaged in that they were akin to Highland Scots, living on land owned by an Ottoman aristocrat, and they could be “cleared” when the aristocrat sold his land to the Jews.[2] However, the Highland Scots could easily move to other parts of the British Empire or the United States. The Palestinians had nowhere to go.
Bell begins his narrative by describing an Arab attack on Jews in Jerusalem in the summer of 1929. The story is told in the typical style of the Jewish point of view; the first attack came “out of nowhere,” targeting someone who was “a Jew and vulnerable,”[3] for no other reason than “rumors” stemming from speeches made by Arab community leaders such as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. The attack escalated into mob violence against the Jewish areas of Jerusalem.
After this attack, according to Bell, Jews in Israel were “forced” to arm and organize. One of the groups that was organized came to be called the Irgun. It was founded by a Jew named Ze’ev Jabotinsky, whose political ideology was called Revisionist Zionism. The story of the Irgun is the standard story of terrorist insurgencies: they robbed banks; hit men assassinated a British colonial official and other members of his staff; weapons were stockpiled; and the various terrorist leaders often fell out and then reconciled with each other. The Irgun’s masterstroke was blowing up the King David Hotel, which was the headquarters of the British authorities, in 1946, which was crucial in persuading the British to end their struggle with the Jewish guerrillas and abandon the region in 1948. The key thing to note here is that the story of the Irgun matches what Kevin MacDonald calls the internal dynamics of Judaism. As he has written, “At all the turning points [in Jewish history], it is the more ethnocentric elements – one might term them the radicals – who have determined the direction of the Jewish community and eventually won the day.”
The other important thing about the Irgun is that their methods were far more in line with the actions of bootlegging gangsters in America such as Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky than those of statesmen such as George Washington or John Adams.[4] Funding the Zionist revolution took money, and they got it by robbing others. The Americans created their own financial system to fund their revolution, and all the debt that was incurred was later paid off.
The local Jewish community also passively supported the Irgun, despite the fact that they were engaging in violent crimes, shootings, and bombings that were a danger to the public. Ordinary Jews in Palestine only briefly turned against the Irgun when a bank robbery of theirs resulted in the deaths of several Jewish customers along with police officers. Not only that, but the more mainstream Zionists – those who were cooperating with the British – did not support the Irgun, but also refused to turn them in to the British. During the Second World War, in fact, the mainstream Zionists used their militia, the Haganah, to capture Irgun fighters and imprison them in safe houses unknown to the British.The moderate Zionists felt that the British were more of a threat than the Irgun.
Despite the fact that they were a menace to the British colonial authorities, right up until the founding of Israel, they made themselves quite useful to the British Empire during and between the two World Wars. Irgun’s founding members all served in the British Army, some at Gallipoli. It is a problem to take in recruits that have no blood ties to the core population into that nation’s military. While British troop strength was boosted in the short term, over the long term, people who were utterly hostile to the core population become honored veterans, and consequently gained a greater claim on society than the core population had. Additionally, a little military training goes a very long way. A bright person can take six weeks of basic training and make use of it for the rest of his career. Add non-commissioned officer school, recruiting duties, arranging logistics, command responsibilities, and so on, and one gets all the tools needed to run a society – or a project like Zionism.
The rest of the book is mostly a Shabbos goy narrative of Jewish “freedom fighters” fighting the mean old British and the mean old Arabs. After a while, I simply started to skim the pages. Terror Out of Zion was published in 1996, when most Americans received their only news about Israel from mainstream, Jewish-owned media sources, some of which included full-page advertisements from FLAME, a pro-Israel propaganda agency. In the early 1990s, I even remember reading a religious tract that insisted that God would punish nations that did not support Israel – I came across it in a remote area on the North American prairie. Today, one can get the Arab point of view in the form of Al-Jazeera and many other online networks, and Christian Zionism has lost some of its force.
While there is a temptation for a white American Gentile – especially one from an olde-tyme American Protestant, Bible-reading background – to identify with the Zionist “settlers,” one must realize that the organized Jewish community, and the Zionists themselves, view American whites in the same way as they see Palestinians. Palestinians are not American Indians, and they are not Negroes. Palestinians are not savages. When Israel was recognized by the UN in 1948, the Zionist terrorist organizations came out of the shadows, put on uniforms, and became the Israeli military. They already had an organized chain of command and years of experience in strategic thinking and executing campaigns. They also possessed considerable stores of weapons and ordinance that had been obtained by either gift or theft from the Americans, Soviets, and British. Those soldiers went on to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians.
Meanwhile, as a result of British colonial policy, the Palestinians possessed no arms.[5] At most, a Palestinian village would have four rifles with three rounds for each. When the Jews entered a Palestinian village, they often took a few girls and boys – aged 14 or 15 – and executed them in front of the other villagers. This got the Palestinians running. When the Arab armies attacked Israel in 1948, they were poorly trained, poorly armed, and vastly outnumbered. There was no clear Arab strategy or high-level unity of command. After discovering how the Zionists took over so much of Palestine, I can only think of similar events – such as when 15-year-old white Americans such as the Covington kids were metaphorically “shot” during a media feeding frenzy, as well as those Jewish activists who used it as an opportunity to repeal the Second Amendment. Later, the Irgun became the Likud Party – which rules Israel today. One could say that the George W. Bush administration was like an extension of Likud. Never forget, Americans: you are also Palestinians.
[1] Even individual American states, such as New Jersey, send money to Israel. There is an interesting “bilateral” series of grants from states to Israel that one can see here. I suspect that Israel gets the lion’s share of these grants, and nothing is produced.
[2] I am not sure what the Palestinian government’s land policy is. It seems to me that they need to have a Register of Deeds Office, and they need to have a Land Claim Office that can deal with contending real estate claims when the Zionist project runs out of other people’s soldiers and money.
[3] Bell, Terror Out of Zion, p. 1.
[4] There is a considerable difference between the North American colonization projects that were run by Europeans and the Zionist scheme in Palestine. First, the Indians were fewer in number than the Palestinians. Second, the Europeans began with limited ambitions – to recreate Scrooby, England, for example. Their expansion was due to white demographic growth, which was happening simultaneously with Indian population collapse. They didn’t have the intention of taking over the entire continent until nearly two centuries after the first colonies were established. The initial settlements were on unoccupied land. Jamestown was deliberately built on a marsh, and Plymouth was built on a town whose entire population had succumbed to smallpox. The Indian Wars were usually waged through surprise attacks on the whites. King Philip’s War was a surprise uprising by a tribe who had been allied with the colonists for more than fifty years prior to hostilities. Indian land was purchased – on the cheap, but purchased nonetheless. White attitudes didn’t really harden towards the Indians until Pontiac’s Rebellion in 1750, and began to soften by the end of the Civil War. Finally, Indians live on reservations that are quite large. The area of occupied Palestine consists of approximately eight thousand square miles. The area of just one Indian reservation, that of the Navajos, has more than twenty-seven thousand square miles. Plus, the Indians who were relocated to Oklahoma by President Andrew Jackson were given new lands, which they still hold today. Furthermore, Indians still receive payments from the United States. The social pathologies that exist on the reservations are the result of Indians have not encountered alcohol until they encountered outsiders, unlike the white man.
[5] The British attempted to disarm both the Arabs and the Jews. The Jews, however, were better at obtaining and concealing stores of weapons.
The post Who Lost Syria? How Israel Was Won through Terrorism first appeared on Counter-Currents.